ITISeasy - based on odoo - easy for all

Life is getting more and more complicated. Wouldn't it be nice if something just got simpler? It will now: With ITISeasy.

Today, everyone can manage with an Internet browser. The programs from ITISeasy are structured like websites and can be operated intuitively. So that you have success right from the start and don't have to laboriously slog through manuals and seminars.

All our solutions are designed for simple and intuitive operation. Take a closer look at the solutions and be inspired by the software.

The next logical action is highlighted right away. This makes it easy for them to find their way around.


​  A Google search for your own documents? That would be something!


One mail, one click -> and you have sent an appointment invitation. Or: where was the message from Hans from three weeks ago? Searched, found.


Quickly schedule a team meeting: just open Firefox or Chrome browser, take the link and share it with your counterpart. 

And off you go...

Read more... 

  1. ITISeasy - Your new freedom
  2. ITISeasy - More security
  3. ITISeasy - Simple for everyone
  4. ITISeasy - Manufacturer loyalty​
  5. ITISeasy - Future-proof​
  6. ITISeasy - Fair costs
  7. ITISeasy - Also for switchers​
  8. ITISeasy - For young and old​
  9. ITISeasy - Local, national, international, but together
  10. ITISeasy - Strong together

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When do you start and try ITISeasy ?

Free of charge, but certainly not useless. And even if you use it properly, it doesn't cost much: have fun kicking with the trial click

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