Do you know Hochosterwitz Castle in picturesque Carinthia, Austria? Not only because of its exposed position on a solitary rock, the fortress has not been taken by force until today. The castle has fourteen castle gates with diverse and sophisticated security and defense mechanisms. However, it was not the sheer number of gates that was decisive for the fortification, but the networking and reinforcement of these gates in the event of an attack.
We follow this analogy: the occurrence of an attack against our servers already triggers measures for specific protection at the external firewalls. Through further security levels, both the attack on the server itself and on the infrastructure of the data centers can be effectively defended against.
Thus, your data is protected from known and unknown security vulnerabilities of software products by our sophisticated security concept, even before a fix...

Keep track of all your business transactions - even when you're out of the office....

Thanks to the legendary interaction of docs and business, your document storage now makes itself, so to speak,...

Doing business without email is no longer possible these days. With ITISeasy.email you are always up to date even on mobile...

Team meetings via video conferencing have become indispensable today. Simplify them with our secure ITISeasy.team...

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